Friday, October 1, 2010

Unpredicted Storm

The clouds turned a dusty, ugly brown from the window of the airplane.  I could see flocks of birds flying the opposite way of our plane, like they were flying away from bad weather.  The atmosphere inside and outside of the plane sounded unusually quiet and seemed fretful.  I tried to push my worries away and keep calm.  Planes have always intimidated me and the mood of my surroundings weren't helping my fear.  Suddenly, I felt the plane whip to the side from a gust of wind.  My heart was beating rapidly and my hands were beginning to shake.  My mind went blank other than this one question, "Am I going to step off of this plane alive?"  The intercom came on abruptly and made me jump.  The pilot of the plane was speaking in panic when he said, "I will need everyone to stay calm when I say that we have run into an unpredicted storm.  I heard the passengers around me gasp.  The wind picked up, you could feel it pushing the plane back as we were flying forward.  Suddenly, I heard rain and hail violently hitting the top of the plane. I silently thought to myself, "I'm no scientist, but the weather foreshadows a tornado." I felt the plane jolt to the side as the wind had whipped us upside down. We were spinning uncontrollably. The passengers were screaming.  My body was being pulled in different directions. After what I thought seemed like an hour we were actually right-side up and alive. We looked to the side and saw a funnel shape come down from the sky. The passengers screamed from the top of their lungs. I was actually witnessing a tornado in the air. The wind was pushing us sideways and the hail was falling harder on the top of the air plane. "This is going to be an immediate landing. Please don't panic," the pilot said assuringly. The plane jerked and bounced to a frightening stop. I went into a trance of shock that I was still alive. Everything was a blur up until the moment I stepped out of the metal door of the plane. The sense of not being in motion and getting off of the plane felt amazing

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