Thursday, May 12, 2011

Freshman Year!

The hardest thing I have encountered was geometry class and athletics because math is hard to understand and athletics just involves a lot of pain and suffering. The easiest thing was band class because it is easy and we get to go to every football game and play the best songs. The funniest thing this whole year is when me and Mayra had a water fight in the locker room. If I don't miss anymore days of school I will not have to take any semester tests because I have only missed on two days.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Deal or No Deal?

Deal or No Deal would have to be my favorite game show and I would want to be on it the most, because you don't have to be smart, but good with guessing. You have 19 boxes with amounts of money in them to choose from and one that is yours. In the first round you choose 6 boxes and whatever amounts you choose cannot be in your box, and you are offered more money for your box if there are larger amounts still left in play. You can sell your box for whatever the banker gives you, or you can keep yours and hope it has something better.