Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hunger games? Who can reject that invitation?

Dear Coach Ashmore,
Recently I have gotten in trouble for "bad music" on my laptop and I still don't know exactly what bad music is because I did not have any songs with cuss words in them. Anyways the point that I'm getting at is if you let us go to the movies to see the intense, thrilling and romantic movie The Hunger Games I will never put any "bad music" on my laptop ever again. So the 300 "bad songs" that I have are gone anyway so you will not have to worry about this "trouble-maker" again. I am supposed to be being persuasive so enough of my ranting. Please, please let us go to this AMAZING movie!

Sincerely, Natalie 
Who wants her music back.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tell about learning how to be a good friend!

Reading -9
Short Answers-2
Revising and Editing-10
Overall Test Score -Commended Performance

Friday, March 2, 2012

My dog recently had puppies and I am so excited that this blog gave me an excuse to talk about them. Grizzly, my dog gave birth to eight healthy puppies. There are four black and four brown, five of them being girls and three boys . My mom told me that I couldn't keep any of them but I just want one so bad. I go out into our storage room five billion times a day to see them. Right now they are about three weeks old and are barking and growling. I have never seen such fat and plump puppies in my life. When the day comes where I have to get ride of them I am going to be very upset. These puppies give me motivation to get through the day. I will possibly continue a career where I could work with animals. My whole life could be based on these eight puppies.