Friday, December 16, 2011

Santa baby (:

Dear Santa,
In all honesty, I probably wasn't written on your "nice" list. The majority of my year was spent bickering with my mom over silly things. My mom and I have never completely understood our different dilemmas with one other so we constantly argue. I probably could have stopped the arguments, but I can not stand being wrong so I argue my case until I have established that I am right. Other then not be nice to my mother, there have been plenty of things that I can say I have done that are what you would categorize into the "nice" list. I always keep my room clean, I have worked my tail off to be on varsity cross-country, I made it on first string JV basketball, I have made AB honor roll every six weeks barely missing A honor roll. I never get it any real trouble, it's just that my mother and I are too alike so our personalities crash. Remember a negative plus a negative still equals a negative, therefore our two negative tempers make one negative argument. Even thought I don't deserve the things I am fixing to list I guess I will still name them. I would love to have a new straightener, iHome, a Glambag, slippers, clothes, clothes, and more clothes.

Sincerely, Natalie

Monday, December 12, 2011

Project Runway

I would usually say that my favorite show is Pretty Little Liars, but since that is what all the rest of the girls are doing my favorite show would be Project Runway. Project Runway is where there are contestants that make clothing to win a big prize in the end. Project Runway shows people's talents and it also gives the audience something to marvel at what they design. All in all I love this show because the clothing they make is amazing.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Clean up on aisle 4!

The most excruciating pain I have ever felt was when I busted my head open in Dollar General. I was running down an aisle and as I glanced back I felt my head take a forceful blow to a awful yellow pole. I crashed to the icy floor and immediately went unconscious as blood flowed from a wound on the back of my head. I was rushed to the emergency room where I got stitches and a stern warning not to go to sleep for 4 to 5 hours.