Friday, December 16, 2011

Santa baby (:

Dear Santa,
In all honesty, I probably wasn't written on your "nice" list. The majority of my year was spent bickering with my mom over silly things. My mom and I have never completely understood our different dilemmas with one other so we constantly argue. I probably could have stopped the arguments, but I can not stand being wrong so I argue my case until I have established that I am right. Other then not be nice to my mother, there have been plenty of things that I can say I have done that are what you would categorize into the "nice" list. I always keep my room clean, I have worked my tail off to be on varsity cross-country, I made it on first string JV basketball, I have made AB honor roll every six weeks barely missing A honor roll. I never get it any real trouble, it's just that my mother and I are too alike so our personalities crash. Remember a negative plus a negative still equals a negative, therefore our two negative tempers make one negative argument. Even thought I don't deserve the things I am fixing to list I guess I will still name them. I would love to have a new straightener, iHome, a Glambag, slippers, clothes, clothes, and more clothes.

Sincerely, Natalie

Monday, December 12, 2011

Project Runway

I would usually say that my favorite show is Pretty Little Liars, but since that is what all the rest of the girls are doing my favorite show would be Project Runway. Project Runway is where there are contestants that make clothing to win a big prize in the end. Project Runway shows people's talents and it also gives the audience something to marvel at what they design. All in all I love this show because the clothing they make is amazing.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Clean up on aisle 4!

The most excruciating pain I have ever felt was when I busted my head open in Dollar General. I was running down an aisle and as I glanced back I felt my head take a forceful blow to a awful yellow pole. I crashed to the icy floor and immediately went unconscious as blood flowed from a wound on the back of my head. I was rushed to the emergency room where I got stitches and a stern warning not to go to sleep for 4 to 5 hours.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


The greatest invention to me would be a pony tail because if there was no way for me to put my hair up for athletics I would be doomed. A ponytail can help hold things together. Also it is a way that you can make nappy looking hair look good. Ponytails are a lifesaver most of the time.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Era of Elegance

The Victorian period is the period of art. Clothes were absolutely stunning! I wish clothes were still as formal and elegant as it was during that time. Women wore corsets, balloon-like sleeves and crinolines. They also had wonderful balls in beautiful ballrooms with amazing orchestras. This era is wonderful in many ways but my favorite is the fashion. If I went back into this time I would probably be some type of fashion coordinater, and choose what people wear, maybe for someone famous. I probably wouldn't be too important, but in a way I would be because I am choosing the fashion that will be the reflect on how the fashion of the future is.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Close Encounter with a whale

 As we reached the shore, I was so exhausted for all the mayhem that had just went on. Before I knew it we were bombarded with questions.
"Why were y'all so far out there? That was incredible!" I thought we could just go for a joy ride and float out there.
"What happened out there, and what was going through your mind as those magnificent creatures came by you?" I wasn't really thinking, my mind was a little panicked and I just hoped I wasn't going to die.
"Were you worried that you would be swallowed? Tell me who was with you out there?" Just me plus my friends Macy and Jordan. And yes that was the only thing I was worried about.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Flying Escapist

One day Jordan was innocently shopping at GoodWill while Dakota was sketchily stalking her throughout the store. Jordan not finding anything she was fond of, left the store empty-handed. But what Jordan did not know is that Dakota had planted snow boots in Jordan's purse. A loud ringing alarm goes off through the store,(pretend that GoodWill actually has an alarm system) and Jordan was tackled by the manager of the store throwing her onto the sidewalk. I get a phone call from Jordan telling me what happened and how confused she was so I used my super hero ability of flying to get over to the prison in a snap. I fly over the prison cells to where I could see in through the sky lights. I found the cell that Jordan was in and I landed on it and unscrewed the sky light and attached Jordan to me with a bungee cord and flew back up over the top of the prison. We flew until we escaped to Canada, excluded from any police.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

No special treatment?

Lindsay Lohan is famous, but she should not get special treatment just because she is famous. If anyone of us non-famous people would have had repeatedly disobeyed the law then we would have already been in prison by now. Lindsay has made too many mistakes and they need to stop babying her and let her learn the consequences of her actions. She is a person just like the rest of us.

I learned that you should never multitask why driving whether it is texting or talking on the phone. You should always wear you seat belt every time you are in a vehicle.

Friday, October 21, 2011

We pulled up to this ghetto, beat up house with a toilet and a basketball goal in the yard. With toilet paper rolls over flowing my pockets I jump up onto the tires supporting the basketball goal. I take out my toilet paper to wrap around the trashy basketball goal while Marlie calls the dog toward her and the naive dog goes to her and she innocently wraps toilet paper around it's body mummifying it. Bob and LaQuan were throwing rolls of toilet paper into the tree. At this moment we all stopped in our tracks to a huge man named Slinky opening the door to see us vandalizing his yard. I then jumped down from the basketball goal to make a run for it with the pack. The only thing you can hear from a block away is Slinky yelling, "Imma get chu!" Finally after running around in the ghetto we found our ride back on 15th street to save us from getting shot.

My favorite ghost story which is a based on a real event. My mom and her sister were walking from their house late at night to their car. They had heard of the evil witch bird named "La Chusa" but never thought it was real until this night. As they were walking casually along to their car they saw two red eyes in the tree and before they knew it that nasty bird was banging its body into their windshield, completely shattering the glass. Watch out for that evil bird late at night.

What did the skeleton say to the vampire?
-You suck.

What is a witch's favorite subject in school?

Why dident the skeleten go to the halloween party?
-Because he had no body to go with.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Remember me

When I am gone I don't want to be forgotten I want to remembered for at least something. If I get remember for the type of person I am, I want to be remembered as a funny, easy-going, carefree, loving and full of advice. A lot of people I am around are so serious and I can't be myself around them. In order for me to be remembered as this I am going to give wise advice, have fun and make other people feel comfortable around me.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Chicken Bites?

One day my dad made what looked like delicious gold, rounded chicken bites. As I pop one into my mouth I noticed that the chicken was very rough and chewy. I asked my dad if there were bones in the chicken and he then admitted the ugly truth to me. The perfectly cooked chicken that I thought it was, was actually chicken gizzards. Chicken gizzard is a repulsive part of the chicken that I did not intend on eating nor did I want to.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Kind of Music

I enjoy anything but country, hardcore metal and rap that is continuous throughout a song. My favorite artist would have to be Pitbull. My favorite song at the moment is "Give Me Everything" by Pitbull. My least favorite artists are Eminem and Lil Wayne. My least favorite song is "Baby I Like It" by Enrique Iglesias. My mom listens to Spanish music while my dad listens to classic rock. I approve of both those types of music. They sometimes like what I listen to while sometimes they don't approve, because it just isn't their style of music.

Friday, September 23, 2011

What's wrong and what's right!

I think that society has lost sight of what is right and wrong, because we are so used to what is being portrayed for entertainment. It's almost as if we have adapted to what is on TV. Some television shows don't realize what they are putting out for everyone to see and how it will affect what people really choose to do. The values of myself are completely opposite of some of the things in entertainment. I do think that being tolerant is the case because we have grown to expect it and not be surprised about the things that the entertainment industry shows society.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Through the loss and the despair, we can still have hope for tomorrow which is exactly what this picture shows. It shows that even though the terrorists tried to weaken us, we stayed strong and made it through.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


My hobbies include baking/cooking, hanging out with friends, swimming and watching movies. My favorite three out of those four are baking/cooking, hanging out with friends and watching movies. I started hanging out with friends when I first started school. I began watching movies when I was little and I got bored. I have always enjoyed helping my mom cook and bake in the kitchen which made me want to cook and bake for myself and for my family.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Oh, how I love school?

Usually, by the end of summer I am excited for school. This time I was not. I knew what to expect of high school and I was not ready to go through another year, but there are always good things that can come out of a school year. Athletics is definitely the hardest class of mine because of how hard you are pushed and how difficult it is to obtain the skills mentally also. Coming in at a close second is Math. I have homework all the time that isn't always easy. On the bright side, I have enjoyed seeing my friends and being back on a schedule and not just being bored like I am in the summer. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Freshman Year!

The hardest thing I have encountered was geometry class and athletics because math is hard to understand and athletics just involves a lot of pain and suffering. The easiest thing was band class because it is easy and we get to go to every football game and play the best songs. The funniest thing this whole year is when me and Mayra had a water fight in the locker room. If I don't miss anymore days of school I will not have to take any semester tests because I have only missed on two days.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Deal or No Deal?

Deal or No Deal would have to be my favorite game show and I would want to be on it the most, because you don't have to be smart, but good with guessing. You have 19 boxes with amounts of money in them to choose from and one that is yours. In the first round you choose 6 boxes and whatever amounts you choose cannot be in your box, and you are offered more money for your box if there are larger amounts still left in play. You can sell your box for whatever the banker gives you, or you can keep yours and hope it has something better.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Courage & Honesty

Courage and bravery are two qualities that I believe are important for a hero. Loyalty, good judgment, and honesty are qualities that, to me, are important for a leader. My uncle Ruben is a hero in my life, because he was courageous and brave when he fought in Iraq. He had strength to fight in the face of fear and danger. The leader in my life would be my brother because he has the traits of a leader. He's honest and he knows how to judge things for the best outcome.

---Abraham Lincoln was a good leader because he was loyal and he helped free the slaves.

--The Little Engine That Could would be considered a hero to me because he gave children courage to do what they didn't believe they could.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


 I am absolutely scared of some kind of insect being something in my covers on my bed. Just picture being asleep under your sheets and feel something crawling up your leg. My mom tells me if I don't make my bed in the morning when I wake up they will build a nest under my bedspread so every morning I get up and immediately make my bed. Fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, and every natural disaster you can think of happening all around the world, because that is what I think of when I hear "End of the world." I am so scared of the end of the world because all the people dying, the families and the animals is just hear-breaking to think of. I am also scared to lose anyone I love and care for. The people in my life make me who I am now and without them I don't know where I would go.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Q-tip means Quality Tip. Natalie means "Christmas Day" often the people in Italy say "Bon Natalia" meaning "Merry Christmas!" Nicole means "Victory to the people." My mom named me after a Mexican/English singer named Natalie Nicole Alvarado. Hamburger is weird because there is not any ham in a hamburger. Hot dog is also strange because it doesn't pertain to a dog in any way. The word dam also is strange because you don't think of it holding water you think someone being damned to hell.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Believe I Can Fly

The wind blowing through my hair, my body soaring through the blue skies. How I would love to fly! It would look like I'm running super fast when I'm actually flying. It would be very useful in athletics. Also not having to walk to places and being able to fly would be amazing. I would also want to be invisible, because I could pull pranks on people and disappear from the dinner table without doing dishes.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Children in Control?

The world would be in pieces if kids ruled for only a day. They wouldn't know how to control anything. Most kids are selfish and being in control would feed the fire. I have to admit I would enjoy not going to athletics or school, but sometimes being forced to do things give you discipline and the world needs discipline to keep everything in line. If kids ruled the world they would be able to eat as much sugary candy as they want, watch inappropriate movies, play distracting videos and go to sleep at ridiculous times.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Suite

My room is painted a warm, ginger brown. My bed is decorated with a bedspread  spotted with brown cheetah. My room is never unorganized, because I have an exact spot for everything. My books are organized on a cream-colored shelf above my vanity. My bed is placed catty corner next to my window. I have beige, laced folding screen that I change behind with my dresser right behind it. My closet is opposite of my bed covered with jet-black curtains. The plan for my room when I renovated it was to make it feel cozy and comfortable, which is how I feel every day when I come home from an exhausting day of school.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Beautiful Flying Creature

If I could be any insect it would be this beautiful butterfly from Brookside Gardens, Maryland. This amazing insect can fly which is one reason I would love to be this insect. It is also unique and being unique is something I would want to be in the insect world. Also since butterflies go flower to flower pollinating they get to see all the different kinds of exquisite flowers there are.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Monday, February 7, 2011

Horribly Assasinated

"Martin Luther King Jr., Don't stand on the balcony of hotels. It' too risky with you being a speaker for freedom of African-Americans!" This is exactly what I would tell Mr. King. He was such a great influence on the people during the time of slavery. He could have done so much more for the African-Americans if he wouldn't have been assassinated innocently standing on a balcony of a hotel.


Black History Month teaches everyone what the African-Americans had to overcome. Being kept against their own will, forced to work day after day, and sometimes even mistreated is what the African-Americans were put through during slavery. It shows us that we should love each other. It shows us also what the African-American's ancestors did to make a better life for the the future African-Americans. Black history is completely positive in the world today, because it helps us realize that no matter the race we are equal. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for what he thought the African-Americans deserved, freedom.  He would be proud if he knew we had a month dedicated to celebrating the freedom of the slaves.

Friday, January 28, 2011


The best app that I have came to use the most is "Tunee Music." It gives me free music to download onto my phone with a wide variety. It's the best music app I've tried which makes it my favorite since game apps aren't my thing. The weirdest app I have found on google is called "Werewolf Detector." Yes you read it right. This werewolf detects werewolves, but wait there's more! It only works on a full moon, how not cliche. If I were to create an app it would be called "iPrank." This app would give you funny things to do at different places. Places like: Wal-mart, elevators, etc. It would give you pranks or jokes you could pull anywhere, anytime.(Unless you're a scardy cat)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

ipods and ipads. Hassle or helpful?

Elementary teachers have been in a classroom with wild little kids, but high school classrooms are another level of craziness. High school students would be tempted to listen to music, play games, etc, which would distract them excessively. Then again iPods and iPads can also be good learning tools sometimes also. There are apps that we could use for maps in geography or apps for math, but I think they would be more of a hassle than a than helpful because most of the high school students would get distracted.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Chaotic Country

Mexico is currently chaotic. Rival drug cartels fight for regional control while the Mexican government tries to reduce drug trafficking with the drug cartels. The drug cartels revolt against the authorities and kill and kidnap people for ransom money. Arrest of cartel leaders escalates drug violence while the cartels fight for territory control where they traffic drugs into the U.S. . President Felipe Calderon is having a hard time with stopping the importing of drugs and the violence going on week after week, which is the main goal he has with Mexico. Since Felipe has took control 28,00 people have died. The main drug cartels are The Beltran Leyva, La Familia, and The Gulf. The U.S. is partly responsible for the violence in Mexico. Ninety percent of the firearms originate from various sources in the U.S, seventy percent of Mexico's narcotics flow into the U.S., ninety percent of cocaine in the U.S. comes from Mexico. After tons of violence La Familia wants to demonstrate that they aren't responsible for the criminal acts federal authorities are reporting to the media. They said for the whole month of January they would not kill. By letter, emails, and the media, the truce has been spread to the citizens. The current state of Mexico, in my opinion is out of control and I think they need to protect the innocent people as much as they are trying to reduce drug trafficking. If I was in Mexico I would try to get to a safer place in Mexico or try to escape to the U.S.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Obama and Lebron Bankin'

Obama gets paid 400,000 yearly compared to LeBron James at 40,250,000 that including endorsements and game wins. Placing athletes salary higher than the our own president of the United States is very pathetic. The head of our country gets payed less than a basketball player, what does that tell us? That entertainment is apparently more important than running a country. I think entertainment should be placed high but not as high as it is. I mean famous athletes work hard to get where they are, but the deal is that we would rather sit down and watch a basketball game than the news. Entertainment is placed at a high value, because of how many people love to be entertained on tv.